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Re: My latest MOC
lugnet.people, lugnet.general,
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 02:28:53 GMT
1979 times
In lugnet.people, Carl Watson writes:
For all of those interested...

At 2:07 this afternoon (18/01/02) my wife (Cheryl) gave birth to our son -
Ta'Ziyah David Watson.
...the name is from Ghana & means 'passionate soul'.

3.73kg (8lbs 3oz) - 53cm, born via c-section & he is absolutly beautiful :)
Both mother & child are doing well, & should be home in around a week.
A little brother for Ben & Caja.
...the look of absolute amazement on a 3yo's face :)


p.s. I will eventually get around to replying to all of my email's.
Just letting you know that I am still here & love hearing from you all.

Bonza Babies!  :)  Well done Carl, you must be a proud Dad :)  Congrats to
your wife (after all she did all the hard work :P) and yourself on your new
arrival.  Welcome to the 'AFOL's with babies' club haha.

Take care and all the best... Mel

Message is in Reply To:
  My latest MOC
For all of those interested... At 2:07 this afternoon (18/01/02) my wife (Cheryl) gave birth to our son - Ta'Ziyah David Watson. ...the name is from Ghana & means 'passionate soul'. 3.73kg (8lbs 3oz) - 53cm, born via c-section & he is absolutly (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jan-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.general,

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