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  Re: Jake McKee's Speech: How LEGO Caught the Cluetrain
(...) Was that his first week at the company? I know it was his first year, but I didn't know he was *that* new to TLC at the time. Somehow I don't think that's quite right but I could be fuzzy. I do remember the prototype Bionicles with the sticky (...) (17 years ago, 5-Apr-08, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people)  
  Re: Jake McKee's Speech: How LEGO Caught the Cluetrain
(...) this road. And I remember meeting Jake for the first time -- it was his first week at the company, he was running the video camera during the "LEGO CAD summit". :) Steve (17 years ago, 5-Apr-08, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people)
  Re: Jake McKee's Speech: How LEGO Caught the Cluetrain
Nice speech. I know of quite a few other companies that could stand to learn this kind of stuff, especially the bits about talking more to the users of your products (even when they aren't your direct customers). (17 years ago, 4-Apr-08, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people)
  Re: Jake McKee's Speech: How LEGO Caught the Cluetrain
(...) Thanks for sharing! It serves as a reminder of what has happened, and what can happen. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it in due course. Cheers Richie Dulin (17 years ago, 3-Apr-08, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people)
  Re: Jake McKee's Speech: How LEGO Caught the Cluetrain
(...) That was a great presentation.. although I would have preferred Jake mentioned the 2005 NMRA layout was actually 3500 square feet (75x50) as opposed to 75 square feet. I know Jake's a busy guy, and he probably sees dozens of numbers per day, (...) (17 years ago, 3-Apr-08, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people)

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