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  Re: How do *you* clean your LEGO parts?
(...) I use a simple paint brush to clean off display dust. I've found that the kind with fairly soft bristles work pretty well. The brush I use most often is about 2½" wide. (...) Like others have said, soapy water works well. I have a large bowl (...) (17 years ago, 27-Feb-08, to
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
Actually you have you clean your pieces for one time. Mostly I used a nail brush. Off course time consuming but very effective. Just with hand warm water and soap is not necessary. I only wash my pieces when I just bought a party of used pieces. You (...) (17 years ago, 25-Feb-08, to
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
(...) I've always washed my parts in soapy water. I will usually put the parts in a bucket of soapy water at least overnight (sometimes several days). I separate out the chrome and stickered parts. I usually do some sorting, with the tiny parts and (...) (17 years ago, 25-Feb-08, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
(...) I would think that an ultrasonic cleaner as used in the jewelery business would work very well for cleaning LEGO parts-especially small ones. I have been thinking of buying one for my mineral specimens. They have come down in price over the (...) (17 years ago, 23-Feb-08, to
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
(...) The same way you dust them - blast the crevices with canned air. This can be expensive given that canned air is not cheap and bricks will go flying if you don't hold them down, but it's fast and easy. EJP (17 years ago, 23-Feb-08, to, FTX)

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