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  Another new element? (was Thomas Update with new element!)
(...) Another question about a new element. Take a look at this picture here (2008 Creator house set): (URL) See the white 1x2x2 windows on the second level of the house? Could these be an updated version of our beloved 1x2x2 old-style windows that (...) (17 years ago, 4-Dec-07, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)
  Re: What is this ejector-seat car base?
That's it - thanks Tim! I had searched BL on "car base" but this one didn't show up because of the comma, I guess. Kevin ---...--- Custom LEGO building instructions and models: (URL) Instructions (URL) instructions ($$) (URL) (17 years ago, 29-Nov-07, to
  Re: What is this ejector-seat car base?
(...) (URL) that it? (17 years ago, 29-Nov-07, to
  What is this ejector-seat car base?
In a garage sale lot I found an odd little 4x8 car base, mainly yellow, with red permanently-attached wheels on metal axles, with a loose light grey bumper strip at one end which, when pushed in, causes a section in the center of the car base to (...) (17 years ago, 28-Nov-07, to
  Re: New racer windshield/train roof
(...) Very sweet, I hope we get a 2x1 version as well. Looks like it's in white as well as black: (URL) I also noticed a dark bley center drop train base. And new cab top peice: (2 URLs) And check out the microtrain: (URL) And a new (...) (17 years ago, 26-Nov-07, to lugnet.inv, lugnet.trains,
  Re: Can't find this part on Peeron: 6x6x1 plate with thin-walls on all 4 sides
(...) Hey Dave. I bet this is what you are looking for: (URL) (17 years ago, 11-Nov-07, to
  Can't find this part on Peeron: 6x6x1 plate with thin-walls on all 4 sides
There isn't a part number on it, and searches on Peeron for 6x6 plate and 6x6x1 plate didn't come up with anything. It's a 6x6 plate with a 4x4 stud area in the center. The studs at the four corners of this area are hollow. There is a thin-wall (...) (17 years ago, 11-Nov-07, to
  Re: New type of Power Functions motor for 2008?
(...) Yes, the Power-Functions Monster Dino has a sound brick similar to this one, operated by a switch. In the Dino's sound brick, the batteries are inside. I am very curious as to whether this winch has batteries inside or is powered by a (...) (17 years ago, 19-Oct-07, to, lugnet.technic)
  Re: New type of Power Functions motor for 2008?
(...) From looking at the picture, it appears to be a part similar to the light and sound bricks from the large green dragon and motorbike sets, in that it is operated by pressing the touch switch bit. (17 years ago, 19-Oct-07, to, lugnet.technic)
  New type of Power Functions motor for 2008?
Look at the top right of this page: (URL) (17 years ago, 19-Oct-07, to, lugnet.technic)

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