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 Parts / *871 (-5)
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) If so, 45-30=15, and I know there are plenty of ways of make a 45 degree angle. Just arrange the 30 degree connector against a 45 degree connector, and presto! 15 degrees. DaveE (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Er, i forgot to specify, it has to be a rigid joint, not flexible (16 years ago, 30-Sep-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Yeah, never mind - that's 30 degrees. BOOOOOO. (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Some combination of Technic Angle Connector #3 and 1x2 Technic bricks with holes (or axle holes) may do it, though I couldn't find a protractor: (URL) (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to
  Re: need to make a 15 degree angle
(...) Well... as a Technic type, I'd do that with triangles. A long Technic beam as the base, and another almost-as-long for the slope, with a small beam for the "back" or "support" - since you can join these by pins, the geometry is rather (...) (16 years ago, 1-Oct-08, to

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