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 Parts / *851 (-5)
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
(...) I've always washed my parts in soapy water. I will usually put the parts in a bucket of soapy water at least overnight (sometimes several days). I separate out the chrome and stickered parts. I usually do some sorting, with the tiny parts and (...) (17 years ago, 25-Feb-08, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Uses for mirrored LEGO (Was: Which glue?)
(...) Sounds like an interesting idea. (...) We keep sending down the cold fronts in direct proportion to the atmospherics we get from the coal burning plants in Ohio (URL) is fair ;) Chris (17 years ago, 25-Feb-08, to
  Uses for mirrored LEGO (Was: Which glue?)
(...) Hmm, I like both of those, but my idea is/was closer to the first. Not to cast a light, but to reflect an image: have a camera rigidly mounted (so the heavy stuff doesn't need to move), with a rotating mirror at 45° in front of it on a (...) (17 years ago, 24-Feb-08, to
  Re: Which glue?
(...) My guess is either a wiggle light(1), or a solar tracker to heat "something." Chris 1. A Type of theatrical light used in disco's and concerts. a beam of light is projected onto a mirror. The mirror is mounted onto X/Y stepper motors that can (...) (17 years ago, 23-Feb-08, to
  Re: How do -you- clean your LEGO parts?
(...) I would think that an ultrasonic cleaner as used in the jewelery business would work very well for cleaning LEGO parts-especially small ones. I have been thinking of buying one for my mineral specimens. They have come down in price over the (...) (17 years ago, 23-Feb-08, to

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