In lugnet.org.us, Todd Lehman writes:
> In lugnet.org.us, Jeff Johnston writes:
> > [...]
> > If somebody wanted to start an all-ages group in this area, they'd have my
> > enthusiastic support. But I would never even *think* of asking NELUG
> > to give up it's name to a different group. That's both rude and unfair.
> Hmm, is that what Tamy was suggesting? I thought she was suggesting that
> NELUG lower its age range from 18+ to 16+ (or whatever, maybe even abolishing
> the age limitation completely) and that adults start a new group (either
> separate or as a subgroup).
Well I think that would not be fair to the current membership. NELUG was
started with a purpose and we defined that pretty well I think. I think to
force us to change the rule for NELUG and force adults to start another group
is unfair to those of us that started NELUG for a singular purpose and that was
for Adults to be able to meet other adults.
> That is, in that scenario, NELUG wouldn't have
> to give up its name, only change its age policy slightly. Opening up the age
> range wouldn't affect NELUG membership very much
Well I think any change that causes any of the current membership to leave
would be wrong in this case. I have had a few days and a couple of
cross-country flights to think about this and the more I do the more I am in
the camp that thinks things should not change other than cleaning up the FAQ
page on the NELUG site to make things more clear.
> -- I'm not sure that I can
> even think of another person in the 16-17 range in the NE area besides Shiri,
> and I don't think that adults would suddenly stop coming to NELUG meetings if
> the age was openened up.
Well again in my personal opinion this issue is NOT about Shiri Dori. This may
be the second time Shiri has forced us to talk about the issue but this is
about a NELUG policy not about the merits of Shiri. If we change the rule now
to let Shiri in we might as well just abolish the rule all together and that is
something I don't feel comfortable doing.
> BTW, what happened to the idea from last year about allowing people under 18
> to be NELUG members but not to attend meetings? It kinda defeats the purpose
> if all the meetings are 18+, but it's tough to defend the position that
> liability is really an issue in all types of meeting places.
Well if you look at #3 on the faq page
I think it spells things out pretty well and is probably the strongest
statement on the FAQ page. The first paragraph needs some cleaning up but the
other two paragraphs state things pretty well I think.
In talking with the PNLTC guys while out in Portland they told me that their
policy is that no one under 18 can attend a PNLTC meeting but those under 18
could contribute creations to their layouts when they are publicly displayed
with the knowledge that PNLTC members get to place the models, the minor is
accompanied by an adult, and they are not allowed behind the layout. They are
stand behind their rule 100% and would not even consider changing it.
Now we havn't done a lot that would allow us to do something similar other than
Mindfest and the 2 TCS window displays. But as we grow and if we do some train
shows maybe we can have a display table for minors incorporated into the
> In terms of the
> other issue (wanting specifically adult type of social company), couldn't
> there be an official or unofficial subgroup of NELUG for 21+ types of things
> like roadtrips to Fall River and Bison County for Guinness?
Again I don't think it fair that we have to resort to making ourselves a
"subgroup" I would personally rather just start another group if we end up
voting to change the rule.
As far as our name goes, we can call ourselves anything we want. We could have
called ourselves "The Little Known Band of Killamaroo" if we wanted to. We
were first, we chose NELUG and thats that.
Eric Kingsley
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Age limitations
| (...) Hmm, is that what Tamy was suggesting? I thought she was suggesting that NELUG lower its age range from 18+ to 16+ (or whatever, maybe even abolishing the age limitation completely) and that adults start a new group (either separate or as a (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jul-00, to lugnet.org.us, lugnet.org.us.nelug)
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