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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 2779
    BrikWars question —David Eaton
   So, how many dice are people bringing? We may be short some... Dan & Jenn bought 10 packs of 5 d6's but I'm kinda worried we might need more. I guess we could always roll twice... DaveE (22 years ago, 27-Apr-03, to  
        Re: BrikWars question —Joe Comeau
     Holy crap. I'm bringing mine anyways...perhaps we'll need a few sets of d10's... - Joe "David Eaton" <> wrote in message (...) guess we (...) (22 years ago, 27-Apr-03, to
        Re: BrikWars question —John P. Henderson
   Hey Guys, I know this is a last minute post for this weekend's game, but I am sorry I will not be able to make it. I was hoping I would get out of working and maybe view how the game is played (as well as bring some catapults and ballistae). Alas, I (...) (22 years ago, 27-Apr-03, to

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