Re: When the world was young...
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 19:42:01 GMT
2276 times
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In, Jonathan Dallas writes:
> Is there some way of allowing the switching of items between troops without
> one warrior becoming to powerful. Maybe we limit the range of SP weapons or
> make long range SP powers only an ability of the minifig. Are there rules
> on what a Mage can wear (armor). I could see having a powerful mage, with a
> weak AV level.
> I never saw Neil's Necromancer. Do we have specs on him?
Well, the concept behind the Necromancer was basically that the
*Necromancer* himself didn't matter. His sole purpose was to enhance his own
troops. Let's say you had an army of 20 figs, each 50 points.
19 of them are non-pacifistic slaves, each with 1 pitiful weapon and 1
super-cool-enchanted weapon (min CP cost per unit is 2, so you can balance
that out by subtracting power/etc, then add on a piddly weapon et all). 1 of
the figs is a champion. Crazy stats, just focused on making him hard to kill
(fast moving, teleport ability, super-high AV).
Um. Ok, well, I can't think of 19 different super-things to give the
champion, but let's say the slaves give him:
- Magic sword (46 CP, 14 SP)
- Magic armor (47 CP, 13 SP)
- Magic helmet (44 CP, 14 SP) [kill da wabbit!]
- Magic cape (44 CP, 14 SP)
- Magic shield (45 CP, 14 SP)
- Magic skis (46 CP, 14 SP)
- Magic container (45 CP, 14 SP)
Well, that's enough. You get the idea. Anyway, let's say the sword's magic
ability is an indexed ability to increase a unit's skill. The shield can
increase a unit's AV. etc. By the end of the 2nd turn (Assuming it takes
some time for the champion to equip all this junk), one of the slaves can be
turned into a **SUPER-SLAVE**!!! (Pretend the font size is like +a million
right there-- and bolded. Gotta be bolded.) Anyway this **SUPER-SLAVE**!!!
has a duration of 3d6 turns:
Move rate: 16" - 66" (depending on how well you rolled)
Damage: just enough to do max damage without breaking the piddly slave weapon
Skill: Stupidly high (11d6 - 1)
AV: Stupidly higher (41d6 - 1)
If you thought Ram Man had crazy hit points... Well, damn. That was nothing.
Average AV would be about 142. Over 400 hit points. Ram Man had 90. And each
subsequent turn you get yet another **SUPER-SLAVE**!!! with which to go and
wreak havoc on your opponent. And with a move rate of over 3 feet, there's
not much that's safe from them at all. Heck, since skill is a multiplicative
component of throw-range, a **SUPER-SLAVE**!!!(tm) could just throw
beefed-up rocks up to 65" (since there's no throw limit on rocks), making
his *effective* range between 26" and 131".
Now, hmm.. You don't NEED to give all these things to the champion to use
them-- the slaves could cast them on each other, but then again, they can't
go off and fight if they're busy helping beef up other slaves.
Anyway, now I'm concerned. This should really be addressed. I don't like the
idea of beefing up soldiers to the Nth degree, since duration is so cheap
(since SP regenerate 100% on each turn). Yeah. I don't like that idea at
all. Or, that is to say, I really *LIKE* the idea, but only if *I'm* the
only one who can use it :P. Perhaps... no more than X SP can be used to beef
up a particular trooper? Or maybe only 1 beef-up spell per trooper (IE you
can beef up movement, and when that wears off, you can beef up their AV, but
you can't have both at the same time). Yeah, I think I like that idea. And
you don't need to wait until duration wears out necessarily, but adding a
new beef-up spell only cancels out the pre-existing beef-up.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: When the world was young...
| (...) Is there some way of allowing the switching of items between troops without one warrior becoming to powerful. Maybe we limit the range of SP weapons or make long range SP powers only an ability of the minifig. Are there rules on what a Mage (...) (22 years ago, 3-Apr-03, to
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