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 Organizations / United States / NCLUG / 231
  GATS Sneak Peak
I have been working on some buildings for my sections of the GATS layout and thought I would post some in-progress pictures. Here is a sneak peak of some of the things I have been working on and a few pictures of the mess that is my home office / (...) (24 years ago, 26-May-01, to
  Re: GATS Sneak Peak
(...) Wow! From what I have seen of your buildings, Cary's and Frank's [and this isn't even taking into account everyone else's creations that I haven't glimpsed yet...], I would say sublime is taken care of. Whew! That means I can concentrate on (...) (24 years ago, 26-May-01, to
  Re: GATS Sneak Peak
"sheree rosenkrantz" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) going (...) Yes, my wife made the quilt. She has made a bunch of them although I don't think any of them lately (three kids and a (...) (24 years ago, 27-May-01, to
  Re: GATS Sneak Peak
Very impressive, Mike. I like your storage system, too. Cary "Mike Walsh" <> wrote in message I have been working on some buildings for my sections of the GATS layout and thought I would post (...) (24 years ago, 27-May-01, to
  Re: GATS Sneak Peak
(...) Seen in: (2 URLs) getting more and more convinced I need to buy some of that wire rack shelving. Unfortunately, the consumer selection doesn't have the best sizes, but I may check out the restaurant supply store on South Saunders street and (...) (24 years ago, 27-May-01, to,

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