Another Scott Session - Building for Comic Con - May 9th-11th
Tue, 6 May 2003 17:12:19 GMT
1079 times
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To All,
Well, another show is appearing, and I could use some help with building.
Lynn is working, so it is a good time for it! Here is the schedule:
May 9th-11th
Friday night: Depending on some items, might be late.
Saturday: All Day and night
Sunday: Until Lynn comes back ~7:00PM.
We will be working on the mountain, some buildings, and general items.
I do have sleeping arrangements, if that need arises. Food will be provided
If anyone is driving from the east, I would greatly appreciate someone
picking up Tony, as it will be a total of 10 hours of me driving back and
forth to pick him up.
Any questions, please LMK!
Scott Sanburn
Always needing help, it seems!
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