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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 3156
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Another Scott Session - Building for Comic Con - May 9th-11th
Tue, 6 May 2003 17:12:19 GMT
1079 times
To All,

Well, another show is appearing, and I could use some help with building.
Lynn is working, so it is a good time for it! Here is the schedule:

May 9th-11th

Friday night: Depending on some items, might be late.
Saturday: All Day and night
Sunday: Until Lynn comes back ~7:00PM.

We will be working on the mountain, some buildings, and general items.
I do have sleeping arrangements, if that need arises. Food will be provided

If anyone is driving from the east, I would greatly appreciate someone
picking up Tony, as it will be a total of 10 hours of me driving back and
forth to pick him up.

Any questions, please LMK!

Scott Sanburn
Always needing help, it seems!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Comic Con - Note to Michlug members who are attending
Yo, Peter et' all I successfully brought over my castle and castle elements to add to the fantasy display table. So we are square there. As for space, while the moonbase module setup last night went really well and is about 80% done (the rest of the (...) (22 years ago, 16-May-03, to

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