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Re: Friday GATS pictures (Setup)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 02:15:44 GMT
1590 times
In, Kevin Wilson writes:
Rick Hallman wrote in message ...
Here are some pictures from setup, more of saturday later.

Now I can see them. I *really* like the round house you guys have there.
Very nice work.

That is due to Steven Ringe. It really highlights what even a 2 or 3 brick
high "module" can do.

Whose bright idea was it to put the school next to the gun shop?

Um, well, um, it *might* have been me, but there was a lot of chortling once
we figured out how funny it looked.  Unfortunately (??) no one brought any
pistols so we couldn't get really crazy. (Michigan CCW doesn't extend to

Other pics (coming soon, I am shrinking them while I type this) will show a
few other jokes as well.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Friday GATS pictures (Setup)
Rick Hallman wrote in message ... (...) Now I can see them. I *really* like the round house you guys have there. Very nice work. Whose bright idea was it to put the school next to the gun shop? Kevin ---...--- Craftsman Lego Kits & Custom models: (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to, lugnet.trains)

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