Re: Layout roads
Thu, 5 May 2005 03:41:25 GMT
3804 times
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In, Joe Strout wrote:
One thing that puzzled me at the NILTC club, and even more now that I see two
other clubs doing it: why black? Real roads arent black; theyre gray. A
dark gray (or even light gray, for older/more weathered streets) would look
more realistic to my eyes.
For me, its a matter of color palette control. Look, there are only so many
colors in LEGO with which one can build. I am very careful to avoid primary
colors in buildings because they are rather unrealistic. So, a building can be
tan, dark gray, gray, dark red, brown, sand red, SOL green or white. I avoid
black in buildings. So, it makes for a nice contrast to have the streets black
and the muted tones in the buildings. Gray streets would tend to make a city
too monochromatic for my taste. Plus, Ive got dark gray trackbeds which add
even more grayness.
The other thing about the 2xN bricks is that theyre shiny; much more so than
LEGO road plates. The combination of overly dark color and shininess always
makes it look to me like the pavement is wet -- perhaps all the minifigs
should be carrying umbrellas!
Thats why one should never dust ones layout;-)
Notice how nicely one can bury trolley tracks with this method!
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Layout roads
| (...) I noticed roads like this when I got back into LEGO about a year ago, at an NILTC show. They're certainly cool, though I don't agree they look 1000% better. In particular, they come out very square; you couldn't make a nice curve this way, (...) (20 years ago, 4-May-05, to, FTX)
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