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 Organizations / United States / L.U.C.N.Y. / 576
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Re: Hosting meetings
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 04:39:05 GMT
1523 times
Very helpful. I'll pass the info on to Eric tomorrow.
Nicole Drumm MS
Brickshelf Account: drumm-family
Geekshelf Account: Drumm-Family
Bricklink Store: drumm_family or Drumm's Small Lots

"Wayne Sardullo" <> wrote in message
Info on Meeting Hosting is located on LUCNY site under the Member Button.

If you see anything that needs to be added let me know.


In, Wayne Sardullo writes:
Well it seems like there is a small amount of confusion for this months
meeting. In light of this I am going to write up a HOWTO for those hosting
(this will cover everything from, "What the host should do", to a checklist • to
make the meeting go smoothly. I've been meaning to do this but, keep finding
other things to keep me busy. I believe this will help everyone...

If I get my head on straight it will also show info about meetings and who
needs to be contacted if we have a meeting in a special place. Kind of like • a
backup if someone can't get in touch with other member.

I do hope you will all contribute Feedback on this. I will be located in the
members section of LUCNY website. If we can finalize it I will see about • making
it a PDF file.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Hosting meetings
Info on Meeting Hosting is located on LUCNY site under the Member Button. If you see anything that needs to be added let me know. Wayne (...) (22 years ago, 15-Sep-02, to

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