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 Organizations / United States / IndyLUG / 535
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Mapped Layout
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 08:12:11 GMT
1186 times
Hi all.

We made a few minor adjustments to the layout at the last meeting, and Jeramy was kind enough to redo the Track Designer file, so I have mapped out the layout. I also divided the layout image into 4 quadrants. If you only need a part of the map &/or have dial-up which makes loading the whole entire thing slow, then you can just view a fourth at a time. I labeled the quadrants according to the Sarkesian system. (Remember algebra?) What that means is that Quadrant #1 is the upper right part. Then Quadrant #2 is counterclockwise from that and so on. Like this:

If there are any other changes that I didn’t include, or if you have a project, and you know exactly how many baseplates it takes up and where you want it to go, just tell me, and I can add it in. I tried to make the rivers go through the centers of baseplates to simplify things. It may work out like that, it may not--who knows. Anyway, here are links to the images:

The whole map

The quads

Jeramy, feel free to put this on IndyLUG.

David Gregory

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