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 Organizations / United States / GardenSLUG / 192
191  |  193
Re: Future Meetings?
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:58:57 GMT
1378 times
Hey Chris,
I am planning on attending again this year, at least for one day, maybe
two.  I am already registered.  My wife will not be attending, as we are
expecting our first child in late September, and she would probably be a
little uncomfortable. ( Due to the pregnancy, not the Lego )

That's also the reason that I haven't been responding regarding
GardenSlug meetings, been far too busy unfortunately.  I'm going to try
to finish my Inn to display at Brickfest, but things are up in the air
right now.

-Andy Lynch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Weeks" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: Future Meetings?

In, Eric Sophie writes:
Hwy all, the Lugola guys are having another Meeting, good for them! • They
trade,talk and inspire! We on the east coast can have a get together • too.
I'd be willing to bring stuff to trade and bring my Robots somewhere. • Also I
might participate in a summertime outdoor Art Festival. I was • thinking that
this could be a good starting place for a meeting. When details • become known
I'll pass it on and see what you all think about a get together.

Eric, are you going to Brickfest in DC?  Is anyone else out there • going to
Brickfest this year?  I know Lindsay and I are.  I would assume Cletus • is
since he does stuff with WAMALUG.  Anyone else?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Future Meetings?
(...) Great, it sounds like there will be several of us there. (...) Fantastic! Congratulations. We're expecting in December. (...) Excuses, excuses. ;-) I'm going to try (...) I hope you do get it done. Chris (24 years ago, 1-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Future Meetings?
(...) Eric, are you going to Brickfest in DC? Is anyone else out there going to Brickfest this year? I know Lindsay and I are. I would assume Cletus is since he does stuff with WAMALUG. Anyone else? Chris (24 years ago, 5-Jun-01, to

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