Re: Rule clarification.....
Wed, 1 Jan 2003 07:39:09 GMT
1067 times
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In, Chris Magno writes:
> We have a simple rule for R13
> 5.The entire device at start should fit within a 12 inch cube.
> Will we allow a robot that is longer or wider than 12" with the
> understanding that if it fits in a "milk crate" (about 1 cubic foot)
> then it is allowed......
> (much like some people did when they showed up with a longer then 12"
> bridge crosser)
> OR are we taking this to mean "Chris your robot fits in a milk crate but
> clearly it is 16" wide???
> I don't care one way or the other, BUT I need to know so I can modify my
> design if it need s to happen.
There are people who had longer than 12" crossers, but that fits within the
diagonal length from opposing corners of a cube. Rob Ziman brought in a
cube wireframe to prove this in case we got weird about the rules. Trevyn
and others have used this method. I think this is fine. It shows ingenuity
in thinking out of usual perpsectives.
Put it this way. 12" cube. If it's 16 x 16" x whatever, it doesn't fit, no
matter what plane/angle it's on. Now if it's 16" x 0.5" x 0.5", then sure,
it fits. Imagine it in the Rob Ziman paper wireframe space way-if it
physically fits in the 12" cube, then you are within the rules.
That ALL said, if you have something that's 12.5" or 14", bring it anyways,
because at least you made the effort. But if a 14" came in first and a 9.5"
came in second, the 9.5" I would think everyone would agree to being the
winner and deservant.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Rule clarification.....
| We have a simple rule for R13 5.The entire device at start should fit within a 12 inch cube. Originally when we gave a size limit we talked about a robot being no bigger than 12" cube. Will we allow a robot that is longer or wider than 12" with the (...) (22 years ago, 31-Dec-02, to
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