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John has a nice Wankel
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:43:20 GMT
411 times
John took me for a ride in his car last night.  Talk about a machine!  I
think it has better acceleration than any of the rides I have been on. ;)

So John, are you going to mod your RC car when you get it, to have a scale
LEGO Wankelmotor in it?

    Iain (who wants a throbbing O2 sensor on his dash like John's)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: John has a nice Wankel
(...) Thanks! (...) If I had a nice fancy NC desktop milling machine like John Barnes, I would make a scaled rotor and epitroichoid housing in an instant. Then I would blow away those pesky V8 supercars! (...) <shaking head> Iain, Iain, Iain.... I (...) (22 years ago, 2-Aug-02, to

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