Re: The anti X pattern
Sat, 2 Feb 2002 04:37:48 GMT
1085 times
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On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 03:18:26 GMT, "Mario DeFacendis"
<> wrote:
> Can everyone please refrain from posting their current "anti X" times?
> You're taking all the fun away from me as I work on mine, and you may end up
> discouraging someone from entering altogether :(
> It would be much nicer to be surprised on the day of the event.
> Mario
Looked at from another perspective, the posting of times gives
builders an idea of what is possible (although I would also appreciate
it if people would give an indication of overall accuracy in addition
to times). This could be helpful to a person who has finished his/her
(where are all the 'her's?) entry and is satisfied with the way it
performs - let's say 90% in 45s - but thinks there may be a way to
improve it. The question is: do you tinker with something that works?
If you are getting 45s and so are most other people, but your
accuracy is better, it's probably a strategic move not to mess with
it. My robot has undergone numerous changes since I started. I
replaced an 8 tooth gear with a 24 on the x-axis to increase speed.
The times people were posting showed me that I needed to do this to be
a serious competitor (well, we'll see about that). I replaced a
complicated and somewhat unreliable 40 tooth gear system on my grabber
with an ultra-simple 9/21/21 tooth system and gained a huge increase
in speed, accuracy and, most importantly, reliablity. If poeple had
been reporting times of 90s or so, I wouldn't have bothered.
I think that we'll find that the competition will be a lot closer than
it would have been if people didn't get any prior idea of what a
reasonable time could be. This could end up avoiding a situation where
a person, like me, builds a machine that can solve it in just over a
minute only to get creamed by someone who can do it in 20s. It may be
dicouraging while you build it, but it could save a lot of
emberassment on game day.
As a suggestion for Mario's (and other's) sake, could someone start a
thread with some creative name like "Completion times" and everyone
put their times in that thread only and discuss it nowhere else? That
way Mario et al can just skip the thread and not be bothered by it,
while those of us who are using it as a yardstick for our own progress
can still do so.
Matthias Jetleb
Message is in Reply To:
 | | The anti X pattern
| Can everyone please refrain from posting their current "anti X" times? You're taking all the fun away from me as I work on mine, and you may end up discouraging someone from entering altogether :( It would be much nicer to be surprised on the day of (...) (23 years ago, 31-Jan-02, to
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