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Re: cant post to rtl
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 03:18:39 GMT
1594 times
In, Chris Magno writes:
I'v had to figure out how to post to lugnet useing the web.

around 6 pm  i sent the a post to RTL (lugnet)

Well, for starters, RTL is most definitely NOT Lugnet. Different things.

via a newsreader (the same one
i always use)  and I never got a reply e-mail from lugnet allowing it to be
posted to the group.

I'm guessing you mean you tried to post to Lugnet-- not to RTL-- and it does
look like your message didn't get here. My guess is either there's an email
problem or there was a temporary problem with Lugnet.

BTW-- if you have problems of this nature again, you should post to one of
the lugnet.admin groups rather than your local group
( just so it's easier for any admins to be aware of :)

I had to dig out and find my old lugnet password so i could post via the web.

is everything alright???



can you read me?

Well-- we can see this one :)


Message is in Reply To:
  cant post to rtl
I'v had to figure out how to post to lugnet useing the web. around 6 pm i sent the a post to RTL (lugnet) via a newsreader (the same one i always use) and I never got a reply e-mail from lugnet allowing it to be posted to the group. I had to dig out (...) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to

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