Re: Ontario Brick Builders Classic Space Layout @ 80's Toy Expo 2019 April 7, 2019
Thu, 11 Apr 2019 13:45:48 GMT
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In, "David Koudys" <> wrote:
> I've now signed up the OBB CSL for the '80's Toy Expo on April 7th, 2019
> <>
> It's at the same hotel convention room as the last show--
> 6750 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario
> I've also requested an additional 'display table' so others can display their
> stuff. I've had a few people voice interest in bringing something for display.
> I don't know how well this'll go over, but I'm going to try it and see what
> happens :)
> I'm also hoping that I'll have at least a bit of time to take some good pictures
> and video of the layout this time--I didn't have any time last show for this.
> Hope to see you there!
> Dave K
Calum forwarded me the link to the Mississauga news, win which they wrote an
article about the show--
The write-up is a bit brief, and I obviously didn't convey the name of our group
correctly - 'Ontario Classic Builders' - though that's kinda growing on me :)
But there are a few pics in the article--if you click the arrow to the left or
right of the picture, there's a few more pics of people checking out Kevin's
amusement park, and some pics of the CSL, as well as the special guests at hte
All in all, it was a great show and I had a very good time hanging out with lego
friends for a few hours. It was just like old times...
Dave K
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