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Re: Walker useing new leg design
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:21:59 GMT
18221 times
Ross Crawford wrote:

check out philo's gif of the leg motion (the "oval) at the bottom

the leg is only "taking weight" when the foot is on the ground, and
then, thats when the "back" of the leg is more or less in a line. All
the weight is transfered along the length of the axles "vertically" to
the one point where the entire leg is attached to the frame.
You might find that the beams that pull the leg sideways are under enough
tension with a large version to cause problems though, especially if moving over
difficult terrain.

(Bright blue or bright green in that image depending on direction of travel)


hummmmm, maybe Im not understanding.  as I see it, all the "weight" is
at the one pivot point in the leg that attaches to the "frame."  (the
thick black line in Philo's Gif.)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) But weight is not the only force happening - something has to move it laterally. When the leg is pulled sideways the link doing the pulling is in tension, the heavier the bot is, the more tension there will be. ROSCO (17 years ago, 24-Oct-07, to

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  Re: Walker useing new leg design
(...) (Bright blue or bright green in that image depending on direction of travel) ROSCO (17 years ago, 22-Oct-07, to

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