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  Re: ~The best lego thing ever ~
(...) HEY, this was my game way before I showed it to you... and your top score SUCKS! Janey "I have the net here too, Red Brick" (18 years ago, 28-Mar-07, to
  Re: ~The best lego thing ever ~
(...) so do you feel the need to claim EVERY thing i post here as yours? what next - bacon lottery? geesh :) Chris (18 years ago, 28-Mar-07, to
  Re: ~The best lego thing ever ~
(...) While the bacon lottery IS mine, I wouldn't claim most of the things you do here, or elsewhere... I do have SOME integrity... wink. Janey "Still out of the country, Red Brick" (18 years ago, 29-Mar-07, to

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