After much pressure from various people wanting to know what I have made
with my NXT; I would like to present my non violent robot.
This robot is ~VERY~ simple, only uses a handful of components, 2
motors, and 2 sensors. As this will be no huge surprise, the robot did
not take me long to make. !WARNING! I used non Lego parts. May I preset:
The Swifter(tm)Bot
The photos are here.
The Software is non-existent. Than again, its no great secret that I am
not a fan of the NXT GUI software. As soon as I can convince Ralph to
code up a new firmware like BASIC, then I might think about software for
this robot.
As it stands right now, the premise is that with the right code, the
robot can do primitive room navigation with the Ultrasonic sensor, and
room mapping with the data logging feature. The bot wont get "stuck
behind the couch" and the light sensor will detect "non white spots" to
tackle even the toughest dirt.
So, if your looking for a way to justify the high cost (Canadain dollars
compared to the US dollar price) to your signaifagnt other, then
surprie her with a robot to clean the house.
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