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Wooden Mallets
Sun, 4 Sep 2005 02:24:35 GMT
717 times
Does any one make wooden mallets anymore?  I looked all though a
Canadian Tire and a Home Depot and found nothing.  Took quite a while
to even find someone that knew what one was.  At both CT and HD I got
the typical "I don't know, maybe someone over there does..."

I thought it was going to be simple to pick one up.  I can picture
then hanging on a hook with all the rubber and plastic headed
mallets, along side all the hammers.

Rubber mallets are too bouncy, plastic ones are too firm, hammers are
to sharp.  A wooden mallet has a nice mix of weight and softness of
impact for my needs.

Sigh, maybe I'll just whack it with my forehead. :-(


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Wooden Mallets
(...) you COULD use a 2/4 and a regular hammer just this ONCE. if not crappy tire, or home despot, and you ~REALLY~ realy, really realy want a wood mallet. try lee valey (URL) (20 years ago, 4-Sep-05, to

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