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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 13606
    Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events —John Guerquin
   (...) By process of elimination, I guess it was me then who mentioned it :) Grabbing the broomstick, which is like a few feet (maybe even a meter) below the beam, would be quite hard I think. However, if it could be done, it would almost guarantee a (...) (20 years ago, 4-Mar-05, to
        Re: rtlToronto19: Balance of Power and other upcoming events —Calum Tsang
   (...) Well, the early rtlToronto games were limited to one RCX--but not one RIS set. The idea was that everyone had lots of Lego, but not lot of Mindstorms sets. To keep it even, we said one RCX only, so that "anyone" with a basic set could (...) (20 years ago, 4-Mar-05, to

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