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 Organizations / Canada / MonLUG / 414
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Re: Congratulations to MonLUG for a very successful show
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 01:23:11 GMT
19 times
In, Martin Legault writes:
In, Calum Tsang writes:
Hi folks,

I just wanted to post and thank MonLUG for welcoming us to their train show
last weekend.  It was a great success and their layout was nothing short of

Iain and I drove up up Friday afternoon and enjoyed being beat down by the
STCUM personnel while taking photos.  The show on Saturday was filled with
different HO, G and O scale layouts from various local train clubs and scale
boat, tank and aircraft modellers, but just listening to people, everyone
was talking about the MonLUG Lego layout.  We were joined by the ParLUGment
of Tim Strutt and Jude Beaudin who came out from Ottawa.

The MonLUG layout, if you look at all the pictures coming out now, was very
well planned and integrated.  It was very obvious they've spent a lot of
effort building a rich and varied display that I think we all should learn
from.  It was chock full of not only beautiful designs, innovative building
but also cute little "bits" like a stained glass mosaic inside the train
tunnel, a police speed trap, a hobo napping in a boxcar, etc.  Even on
Sunday I was still noticing new things on the layout that I didn't catch the
day before.

Congratulations to Martin, Kevin, Luc and Pierre for an excellent event.

PS-did anyone else smell nothing but hot dogs at the show? :)

Thanks for your good comment on our show, they are appreciated. As a first
train show for our group, We did a small one and we now have a bigger one to do
for april, the organizer told us that we were the major attraction and we'll
get to first boot by the door next time.

I think this could serve as a lesson for other group who haven't done a show
yet, go for a small one, It's not the size that count both the quality. And you
don't need a lot of flashing stuff like the boot beside us was twice our size
with only a few car and truck with flashing ligth and a poor display, and
didn't get a lot of attention. You only small bits here and there that fill
your layout and every thing together will do the job.



smells like train 3.0 (or 3.5???) :)

Martin, vous etes raison.
TOMLUG Train2, perhaps...??

I guess that is for all to discuss....

side note to Iain and Calum, looks like we (rtl) need a bigger contingent
next time....
(I was busy this time...)

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Congratulations to MonLUG for a very successful show
(...) Thanks for your good comment on our show, they are appreciated. As a first train show for our group, We did a small one and we now have a bigger one to do for april, the organizer told us that we were the major attraction and we'll get to (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to,

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