In lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, Martin Legault writes:
> In lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, Calum Tsang writes:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I just wanted to post and thank MonLUG for welcoming us to their train show
> > last weekend. It was a great success and their layout was nothing short of
> > spectacular.
> >
> > Iain and I drove up up Friday afternoon and enjoyed being beat down by the
> > STCUM personnel while taking photos. The show on Saturday was filled with
> > different HO, G and O scale layouts from various local train clubs and scale
> > boat, tank and aircraft modellers, but just listening to people, everyone
> > was talking about the MonLUG Lego layout. We were joined by the ParLUGment
> > of Tim Strutt and Jude Beaudin who came out from Ottawa.
> >
> > The MonLUG layout, if you look at all the pictures coming out now, was very
> > well planned and integrated. It was very obvious they've spent a lot of
> > effort building a rich and varied display that I think we all should learn
> > from. It was chock full of not only beautiful designs, innovative building
> > but also cute little "bits" like a stained glass mosaic inside the train
> > tunnel, a police speed trap, a hobo napping in a boxcar, etc. Even on
> > Sunday I was still noticing new things on the layout that I didn't catch the
> > day before.
> >
> > Congratulations to Martin, Kevin, Luc and Pierre for an excellent event.
> >
> > Calum
> > PS-did anyone else smell nothing but hot dogs at the show? :)
> Thanks for your good comment on our show, they are appreciated. As a first
> train show for our group, We did a small one and we now have a bigger one to do
> for april, the organizer told us that we were the major attraction and we'll
> get to first boot by the door next time.
> I think this could serve as a lesson for other group who haven't done a show
> yet, go for a small one, It's not the size that count both the quality. And you
> don't need a lot of flashing stuff like the boot beside us was twice our size
> with only a few car and truck with flashing ligth and a poor display, and
> didn't get a lot of attention. You only small bits here and there that fill
> your layout and every thing together will do the job.
> Martin
smells like train 3.0 (or 3.5???) :)
Martin, vous etes raison.
TOMLUG Train2, perhaps...??
I guess that is for all to discuss....
side note to Iain and Calum, looks like we (rtl) need a bigger contingent
next time....
(I was busy this time...)
Benjamin Medinets
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