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Re: Transit Time to Mars
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 00:38:43 GMT
312 times
try "anti-matter" fuel cells...(use your imagination here) could travel
to mars and back on like 1 atom of it.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Transit Time to Mars
(...) Wow, if you could get there that cheaply, then I suppose the speed wouldn't matter. --Todd (25 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to
  Re: Transit Time to Mars
(...) Oddly enough most of the technology being discussed here actually exists, even though many of you would debate that fact. I would like to share my thoughts on this matter, as well as addressing the poster's original question here. Flight Time (...) (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Transit Time to Mars
(...) Assume that a mile is 1.6 km, because dammit, you don't calculate these things in imperial (you'd need g in miles/sec. Ugh.) (...) All right. x == v0 * t + 0.5 * a * t x == 57.6e9 m v0 == 0 (this means I'm calculating from reaching orbit, (...) (25 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to

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