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Re: MS Word Styles
Sat, 29 May 2004 17:22:27 GMT
952 times
In, Tim Courtney wrote:
Somehow, someway, I set my default (Normal) Word style to auto-update whenever
changes were made. This means, if I bold a selection, it bolds all words written
in the Normal style, etc. Very annoying.

Each time I open a new document, I have to uncheck 'automatically update' on the
Normal style option to prevent this.

I've searched far and wide to try to reset this default, but can't find it. Can
anyone help? I'm using WordXP.



You need to change "," which requires a few steps.  You can enter that
filename into the HELP window, and it's the first hit, or you can read the below
cut and pasted from said window:


The Normal template (Normal template: A global template that you can use for any
type of document. You can modify this template to change the default document
formatting or content.) opens whenever you start Word, and it includes default
styles, AutoText, macros, toolbars, and other customizations that determine the
basic look of your document.

On the File menu, click Open, and then navigate to C:\Documents and
Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates.
If no templates are listed in the Open dialog box, click the arrow next to the
Files of type box, and then click Document Templates.

Double-click the file to open it. To be certain that you're working
in the default template, check to see that appears in the Word title
Make any changes you want, using the menus and dialog boxes just as you would to
change default settings for a document, but remember that any changes you make
to will be applied to documents that you create in the future.
When you have finished, on the Standard toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and
options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, click
Customize on the Tools menu, and then click the Toolbars tab.), click Save .
Note  If is renamed, damaged, or moved, Word automatically creates a
new version (which uses the original default settings) the next time that you
start Word. The new version will not include any customizations you made to the
version that you renamed or moved.


So you might in theory be able to fix it just by deleting it.

Hope this helps,


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: MS Word Styles
(...) -- (...) Worked like a charm. Thanks tons! -Tim (21 years ago, 29-May-04, to
  Re: MS Word Styles
"Mr L F Braun" <> wrote in (...) Yes this works. Also if it is just starting and closing out too and var other problems with word that will not open right. (21 years ago, 30-May-04, to

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  MS Word Styles
Somehow, someway, I set my default (Normal) Word style to auto-update whenever changes were made. This means, if I bold a selection, it bolds all words written in the Normal style, etc. Very annoying. Each time I open a new document, I have to (...) (21 years ago, 29-May-04, to

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