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MS Word Styles
Sat, 29 May 2004 16:34:27 GMT
990 times
Somehow, someway, I set my default (Normal) Word style to auto-update whenever
changes were made. This means, if I bold a selection, it bolds all words written
in the Normal style, etc. Very annoying.

Each time I open a new document, I have to uncheck 'automatically update' on the
Normal style option to prevent this.

I've searched far and wide to try to reset this default, but can't find it. Can
anyone help? I'm using WordXP.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MS Word Styles
(...) Tim- You need to change "," which requires a few steps. You can enter that filename into the HELP window, and it's the first hit, or you can read the below cut and pasted from said window: ----- The Normal template (Normal template: (...) (21 years ago, 29-May-04, to

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