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 Off-Topic / Geek / 4324
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Video Capture Recommendations Sought
Wed, 21 May 2003 21:08:54 GMT
507 times

I have some VHS videos I want to transfer/burn to VCD, SVCD, or possibly
even DVD via a connection to a system running WinXP.  What I need are
hardware, software, and other resource recommendations.  I recently acquired
a new system that has a firewire connect and a DVD burner but I haven't
really looked at what it can do -- the system is reasonably beefy otherwise.
I am particularly concerned with the quality of the transfer -- or in other
words, I want to retain as much of the VHS original's quality as is possible

Anyway, if you can offer some advice just go ahead and consider me a
complete novice and tell me everything I don't know.  Of course, I have
already searched for information via google, by posting here I was just
hoping for recommends from Lugnut people of intelligence and quality. =)

Thanks in advance,


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