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Re: mpeg rotation
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 07:53:14 GMT
155 times
Hey all - any idea how I can take an .mpg file, and rotate it 90 degrees?

Perhaps and VideoEditing software like Ulead Media Studio can do it?
Should be an standard function in video editing software.

I could break the movie down to jpegs, rotate them, and re-encode them
to an mpg, if only I could find how to break an mpeg down to frames, without
taking screenshots of mpeg_play every frame....


/Tobbe -

Message is in Reply To:
  mpeg rotation
Hey all - any idea how I can take an .mpg file, and rotate it 90 degrees? I could break the movie down to jpegs, rotate them, and re-encode them to an mpg, if only I could find how to break an mpeg down to frames, without taking screenshots of (...) (25 years ago, 13-Aug-00, to

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