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Re: Want to make my own WebTV / mp3 player
Sat, 20 May 2000 15:19:16 GMT
163 times
In, Matthew Miller writes:
Mike Stanley <> wrote:
Second, I thought of maybe trying to do this with Linux as well but I'm not
sure if a) I can get TV out to work on the Marvel or b) if I can get it to
work with any other card.

Thanks!  I'll take a look at that.  I'll probably start off with a Windows
solution simply because it'll be easy to get up quick, but I might move to
Linux if everything I want to do is possible.  I'm planning on testing the
recording/playback quality on the tv as well - maybe make a pseudo Tivo/Replay
TV-type device.

I just got a really nice infrared keyboard with an integrated eraser-head
pointer (as found in IBM and Toshiba laptops). In fact, it has two
eraser-pointers, one in the middle of the keyboard, and another in the top
right. They're both linked to the same output, but sometimes one is more
convenient than the other. Range seems to be very good -- 15' at least.
I'll have to check the brand -- I got it at the MIT Flea.

PLEASE do.  That sounds perfect for my needs.  I have a Tecra 8000 Laptop and
have had Thinkpads before - I'm pretty fond of the eraser-head pointers.  An
integrated keyboard/pointer solution would be a lot easier to handle than a
separate mouse/trackball.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Want to make my own WebTV / mp3 player
(...) Dunno if it's any help, but the TiVo source code is available: (URL). (...) I'll make sure I check tomorrow. (25 years ago, 22-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Want to make my own WebTV / mp3 player
(...) (URL)push the receiver far enough from the tv to be within 6 feet of my recliner to (...) I just got a really nice infrared keyboard with an integrated eraser-head pointer (as found in IBM and Toshiba laptops). In fact, it has two (...) (25 years ago, 20-May-00, to

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