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Re: Why MS hubris can be a bit annoying
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 14:25:25 GMT
30 times
Asher Kobin wrote:

In lugnet.admin.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Asher Kobin wrote:

Seriously, I can't answer your question, but I can say that Microsoft's
awareness (and interest) of the Linux OS has increased dramatically, • although
it did take some time (we just needed to hire the right people)

No, you just needed to get a clue that not everyone likes MS practices
w.r.t. marketing and software development and some people are clever
enough to do something about it that may well threaten MS's
stranglehold. What's the old saying? "Dos isn't ready to ship until 123
is broken"...

I don't understand how your comment relates to what I said above.   Please
don't insult me saying that I don't have a clue.  I'm not a mindless Microsoft

I'm having trouble parsing the above paragraph taken as a whole in light
of reality unless you're being deliberately mouthpieceish/obtuse. Here
are a few tidbits.

MS has a track record of doing things to screw other companies over. It
goes all the way back to DOS. Browsers are, and will be, no different.
Nothing wrong with that, MS is dominant and got there the hard way, they
earned it. But MS mouthpieces should just come out and admit it instead
of BSing about parsiflage. Were I MS I'd be shouting from the rooftops
how I can get everyone else to dance to my tune whenever I whistle.

You personally have a record of cheerleading for MS. Why not? You work
there, and they've been good to you. So admit you're cheerleading. Not
to do so is rather mindless in a way, really, although you yourself
surely are bright. When you get into MS cheerleading mode, you act like
a drone and you certainly drone on, too. So I guess that makes you a
drone, *when you are in cheerleading mode*.

As to MS having a clue about Linux importance: Linux arose largely in
response to MS dominance. It seemed that no other commercial company has
proven to be competent enough to give MS a run. So a non commercial
effort happened, and arguably, *only* a non commercial effort could do
the  trick. MS took notice when Linux became a large enough force to be
worthy of taking notice. It took MS longer than I, as a MS stockholder,
would prefer for MS to take that notice, and that's due to MS hubris
about MS dominance. Dominance is good. Being proud of dominance and not
being afraid to say so is good. Taking dominance for granted to the
point where it colors your decision making process is bad. See the

I'd say that's symptomatic of MS as a whole having a clue shortage. Not
you personally.

Given that, can you put it all together?

One browser indeed. The world needs more than one browser. They all
should render the same but the way they look at everything else can and
should be the same.

This seems to support what I talked about in an earlier post about Microsoft
making the rederning engine part of the operating system.  Any developer can
create their own user interface.  Please take a look at NeoPlanet
(  If you like IE but don't like the Micorosoft-
feel of it, try NeoPlanet.

Like Steve said, we don't care about the rendering engine. That's
typical MS PR spincontrol/ducking the real question kind of talk to
speak about the rendering engine, what matters is what's underneat. I
hate IE5 being part of the OS. I think it was a bad decision.

Fut .geek although if we get into a war about MS dominance, probably
.debate is the place for it.

Larry Pieniazek - - Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

Note: this is a family forum!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why MS hubris can be a bit annoying
(...) Whoops. c /rendering engine/UI/ as we DO care about the rendering engine. also c/underneat/underneath/ would that what was underneath were neat. ++Lar (25 years ago, 25-Mar-00, to  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why MS hubris can be a bit annoying
(...) although (...) I don't understand how your comment relates to what I said above. Please don't insult me saying that I don't have a clue. I'm not a mindless Microsoft drone. (...) This seems to support what I talked about in an earlier post (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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