Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:45:52 GMT
2183 times
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Mike Stanley wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:27:00 GMT, Dan Boger <>
> wrote:
> > it's true that the app base is not as big, yet... but considering
> > what I use my home win95 for - basicly browsing and ssh-ing, I can do
> > that better on linux, while doing a lot of other things at the same
> > time...
> Which browser are you using on Linux that you would call "better" than
> IE5? Seriously. Every time time I try some flavor of Netscape
> product for Linux it just ends up making me run screaming back to
> browsing on Windows. In fact, I would rather run VMware and NT or
> 2000 so I could use IE5 than use Nav/Communicator on Linux.
I never used IE, and I will probably never will - unless they come out
with IE for linux and then I'll give it a shot. I used to use NN and my
MOC browser :P but now I've switched to mozilla, and I'm _very_ happy
with it :)
> Maybe there is some magic formula I'm supposed to be able to come up
> with to do things like make the text readable and normal on all pages
> but part of me just balks at having to fiddle with something as silly
> as that.
errr... I'm not sure what you're talking about here - I never had a
problem with NN and text being readable?
> I'll give you the SSH, though, although Secure CRT works just about as
> well.
does it support SSH2? btw, have come out with a beta client for
windows, that supports sftp as well. :)
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 | | Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
| (...) Which browser are you using on Linux that you would call "better" than IE5? Seriously. Every time time I try some flavor of Netscape product for Linux it just ends up making me run screaming back to browsing on Windows. In fact, I would rather (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to
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