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Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:45:52 GMT
2183 times
Mike Stanley wrote:
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:27:00 GMT, Dan Boger <>

it's true that the app base is not as big, yet...  but considering
what I use my home win95 for - basicly browsing and ssh-ing, I can do
that better on linux, while doing a lot of other things at the same

Which browser are you using on Linux that you would call "better" than
IE5?  Seriously.  Every time time I try some flavor of Netscape
product for Linux it just ends up making me run screaming back to
browsing on Windows.  In fact, I would rather run VMware and NT or
2000 so I could use IE5 than use Nav/Communicator on Linux.

I never used IE, and I will probably never will - unless they come out
with IE for linux and then I'll give it a shot.  I used to use NN and my
MOC browser :P  but now I've switched to mozilla, and I'm _very_ happy
with it :)

Maybe there is some magic formula I'm supposed to be able to come up
with to do things like make the text readable and normal on all pages
but part of me just balks at having to fiddle with something as silly
as that.

errr... I'm not sure what you're talking about here - I never had a
problem with NN and text being readable?

I'll give you the SSH, though, although Secure CRT works just about as

does it support SSH2?  btw, have come out with a beta client for
windows, that supports sftp as well. :)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Mozilla (was: Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer)
(...) I can't get TrueType fonts to display correctly in Mozilla (a build from two nights ago). Do they work for you? I'm specifying 'times new roman' and 'courier new' and 'arial' for the three fonts (serif, monospace, and sans- serif, (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to
  Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
(...) Yeah, it does. And port-forwarding and other advanced features too. It's definitely the best ssh client available for ms windows. (Too bad NetTerm doesn't do SSH - it has such nice fonts....) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
(...) Which browser are you using on Linux that you would call "better" than IE5? Seriously. Every time time I try some flavor of Netscape product for Linux it just ends up making me run screaming back to browsing on Windows. In fact, I would rather (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to

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