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Re: Name calling: a catharsis.
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 17:38:50 GMT
592 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Dave Schuler writes:
After Larry P cruelly lashed out at me during a recent ultra-serious debate:

Cruelly??? hardly. I was trying to help you get the help you need by
acknowledging your bravery in admitting that you were disturbed.

  That is, after all, the first step in overcoming it...

To wit:

Wit being a relative term here...

  A hit!  A very palpable hit!

Larry P is a fobbing, loud-whispering, common-kissing, gorbellied,
full-gorged, beslubbering, folly-fallen, milk-livered, urchin-snouted,
bat-fowling, tickle-brained, spleeny, pottle-deep, ill-nutured, tottering,
beetle-headed, dread-bolted, pribbling, ear-wiggling, plume-plucked,
knotty-pated, toad-spotted, earth-vexing bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil.

I'd be impressed if you had come up with that on your ownself but since this
is from some sort of insult generating utility (I recognise some of the
phrases, yes, yes yes I do) whose URL I have long forgotten, I am *not*

  Hey, credit where credit is due:

  One or two of those clever rejoinders were MOC's, but I thought I would
flesh it out with a little help from the Bard.
  Anyway, you're still a gnurlish, bark-lifting, bucket-dumping, odd-listed,
ill-tossed, knuckle-skinning, clickety, over-hastened, soup-slurping,
butter-crazed, slack-sailed, thumb-sliding, cake-dropping, hatless,
bell-summoned, undervented, off-put, whelkish, mean-lacquered, gizzardly,
gut-stirred, anapotheotic, slush-shuffling, pleat-torn wobbler.

So there.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Name calling: a catharsis.
(...) (URL) E-Mail - Send the same e-mail message (or one with custom merged information) simultaneously to hundreds, thousands or millions of destinations. " And that's a far worse insult, if unfounded, than anything you've come up with! ++Lar who (...) (23 years ago, 1-May-02, to

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  Re: Name calling: a catharsis.
(...) Cruelly??? hardly. I was trying to help you get the help you need by acknowledging your bravery in admitting that you were disturbed. You misconstrue me, sir. Wet noodles at 20 paces at dawn, you shall be hearing from my second. (...) Wit (...) (23 years ago, 29-Apr-02, to

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