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Re: The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 02:38:52 GMT
32 times
South Park killed Enya for me. :)

Being old is like being trapped in a dark room with Enya on the radio. It's
cheesy and lame, yet earily soothing, all at the same time.

"Jeff Stembel" <> wrote in message
Hey all!  I picked up the newly released soundtrack for The Fellowship of • the
Ring, and I must say, it is *fantastic.*  It has a good mix of classical
orchestral styled pieces, many of which are rather Wagnerian, and some • Celtic
pieces.  In addition, its got two beautiful new songs by Enya, too.  :) • If the
soundtrack is any indication, the movie is going to be very good!  :D

I'm posting this to .castle because I figured it'd be of interest after • the
music posts a while back.  :)

"mmm, Enya..."

Message is in Reply To:
  LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack
Hey all! I picked up the newly released soundtrack for The Fellowship of the Ring, and I must say, it is *fantastic.* It has a good mix of classical orchestral styled pieces, many of which are rather Wagnerian, and some Celtic pieces. In addition, (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to lugnet.castle,

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