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Re: Unified UK Lego community idea
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:41:28 GMT
32 times
In, Scott Arthur writes:
I was going the other way. And I think the weight thing is mostly
airline imposed, it may vary from line to line, or even by class of
service, and may be waived by the counter agent if you're polite and
lucky. And I am always polite to counter agents, it pays very very well

I went on a cycling holiday during the summer. I'm over 6 feet so my mtn bike
is on the big side. This, along with fully loaded panniers put me way over
the weight limit. I called the airline before I few and was told that billing
me was more hassle than it was worth. I was told that if I said nothing, the
agent would do the same. This turned out to be true. The extra baggage rate
is 2% of the most expensive seat per kg (~1% per pound).

If you take you bike on a plane, remember to deflate the tires!

If you really want to have fun with airlines, try taking a sword home with
you.  :/

We only held one plane up trying to sort it out, and while my Dutch is
atrocious, the MP seemed very nice.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Unified UK Lego community idea
(...) My dad once checked some balloon instrumentation packages which were way over the limit. His secret? Checking them at the curb with a $20 tip to the person collecting bags. (...) One of my caver friends once caused a stir. As he was going (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Unified UK Lego community idea
(...) I went on a cycling holiday during the summer. I'm over 6 feet so my mtn bike is on the big side. This, along with fully loaded panniers put me way over the weight limit. I called the airline before I few and was told that billing me was more (...) (25 years ago, 30-Nov-99, to

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