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 Off-Topic / Fun / 2699
    Re: X-Mimeole header??? (was: Re: Legofest? Call for more info) —Eric Kingsley
    (...) I don't know but it sounds kind of dirty. (...) Arn't we all Microsoft-induced? (...) If it were a MIME message we would all want to smack it and say "Just tell me what you want and take off that silly face paint!" Eric K. Remove ".nospam" (...) (26 years ago, 25-Aug-99, to
        Re: X-Mimeole header??? (was: Re: Legofest? Call for more info) —Jeremy Sproat
   (...) You're pretty close to the mark, Eric. An X-Mimeole (as opposed to a plain old mimole, but more on that in a later installment) was a gaffer's tool used on the soundstage during the filming of, shall we say, films of ill repute. Those living (...) (26 years ago, 25-Aug-99, to

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