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Re: Son of Beast at King's Island, Spring 2000
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 21:24:18 GMT
270 times
Hey Mike, did you see *this* one??

John1, hands up and <screaming>!!

In, Michael Ulring writes:
Has anyone else heard about this coaster?  It's supposed to set the following
seven world records for wooden coasters:

(taken from
1.   The world's tallest wooden roller coaster (218 feet).
2.   The world's tallest wooden roller coaster drop (214 feet).
3.   The world's fastest wooden roller coaster (78 mph).
4.   The world's only looping wooden roller coaster.
5.   The park with the most wooden roller coaster track (22,619 feet -- almost
      4.3 miles!).
6.   A tie for the most wooden roller coasters at any park on earth (5).
7.   A tie for the most roller coasters at any park on earth (13).

You can see a picture of the track layout as well as some Quicktimes that
simulate riding the coaster, go to and navigate
through the "What's New" section and then "Ride the Sequel".

Just thought you other coaster freaks might like to know :-)

-Mike (who hopes he still lives in Ohio next Spring...)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Son of Beast at King's Island, Spring 2000
Next summer in Ohio! It's gonna rock. We should do an AFOL coaster tour or something... (26 years ago, 18-Aug-99, to
  Re: Son of Beast at King's Island, Spring 2000
I live less than an hour from Cedar Point. You better believe that I'll be riding that Millenium Force when it opens up. The picture makes it look like they're leveling Frontierland to put it in. Wow. Adrian (...) (26 years ago, 19-Aug-99, to

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  Son of Beast at King's Island, Spring 2000
Has anyone else heard about this coaster? It's supposed to set the following seven world records for wooden coasters: (taken from (URL) The world's tallest wooden roller coaster (218 feet). 2. The world's tallest wooden roller coaster drop (214 (...) (26 years ago, 18-Aug-99, to

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