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 Off-Topic / Fun / 1385
    Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —Larry Pieniazek
    (...) There seems to be some confusion here about this lot. Well, ok, a lot of confusion about the lot. But this is John we're talking about so that's to be expected. I would never bid (shill or otherwise) on my own lot. Why bother? I could just (...) (26 years ago, 16-Apr-99, to
        Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —John Neal
   lol:-) What? *No* winkys, not a one??!! BTW, I finished my taxes at 11:50 so I'm golden. And to further clarify for folks following along at home, I'm bidding on that lot merely as an excuse to give to a worthy cause-- I'll probably just scrap the (...) (26 years ago, 16-Apr-99, to
        Re: I'M [A LARRITARIAN] SOMEBODY!! —Tom McDonald
     (...) Sounds like someone's bucking to be canonized. But if you really want to be a shining light, you'd donate any/all of Larry's hoppers you acquire in this auction back to him. :O (26 years ago, 16-Apr-99, to
        Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —Larry Pieniazek
    (...) Strangely enough, it's difficult, even for one with my godlike powers, to agree with you in YOUR post. Heck, it's hard enough to agree with you in person since you're usually babbling up about 98% of the available conversational bandwidth, (...) (26 years ago, 17-Apr-99, to
        Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —John Neal
   ooo, Lar, this week's meeting is going to be tough for you because I'm bringing my newly completed series of boxcars (7) AND my new ROTARY SNOWPLOW which *even you* will have to admit are awesome! You will probably ask me if I'd like to post them on (...) (26 years ago, 18-Apr-99, to, lugnet.trains)
        Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Talk... is so very very cheap. Especially when someone else (Todd) is picking up the tab. I know it's hard for you to set up a site since you're a (shudder) Mac user, but if you had one, you could put it up there and we'd all be ahhing and (...) (26 years ago, 18-Apr-99, to, lugnet.trains)
        Re: I'M SOMEBODY!! —David K. Z. Harris
   In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote (in part): (...) Larry: I agree! Setting up a website can be difficult, which is why I choose Macintosh as my publishing platform, and SGI for the server. ;-) (see; (3 URLs) made with Macintosh hardware and (...) (26 years ago, 19-Apr-99, to, lugnet.trains)

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