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Re: In Your Face, Boston Bruins!
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 18:16:45 GMT
974 times
In, Terry Prosper wrote:
Tha Habs can now loose in 4 games against the powerhouse Tampa Bay Lightning,
I'll still be smiling about the Boston elimination.  What can I say, we have two
traditions here in La Belle Province in the spring: going to the sugar shack and
watching our Habs send the Bruins to their golf clubs.

For the record, it's LOSE (win and lose) and not LOOSE (tight and loose).

And I'd never imagine myself saying this, but Go Habs Go (since the Canucks are


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  In Your Face, Boston Bruins!
My beloved Montréal Canadiens destroyed Bruins' fans' hearts yesterday when they eliminated the Boston team in the 7th game of a best of 7 series, en route to the Stanley Cup. For those of you who didn't know, it was the 23rd time in 30 playoff (...) (21 years ago, 20-Apr-04, to

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