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Re: Man in God's image
Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:51:42 GMT
119 times
It's nice to hear your interest in this, Dan.  I do have an answer for you,
but I have to go to work now.


Daniel Jassim wrote:
Greetings! Wow, I was following the debate on whether God has a name for
God. It is certainly an intersting discussion! One thing I found • unsettling
is the notion of God creating man in His image. Although I consider it a
noble belief, I think it is also a dangerous idea since it has gotten man
into so much trouble.

Think of the brutality and destruction humans have unleashed on each other
and against their earth in the name of their creator, and in the name of
man? I believe this idea of divinity, of placing ourselves above all and
that this world was created exclusively for us, has weakened mankind and
crippled the earth. Mankind seems to have divorced itself from nature, • going
against it and throwing the world out of balance. We've treated our divity
as a green light to strip the earth bare of anything ripe for the • plucking.
In this sense, man has truly forsaken his creator.

Our technology advanced way before our ethics and sensibilty. We remain
aggressive, territorial and brutal-- surely this cannot be a relfection of
our creator's image? No animal in the history of life on this planet has
killed more of it's own species than homo sapiens; how easily we destroy • our
creator's image. And the killing goes on and on, in the name of democracy • or
communism, or the new old religion: capitalism. We are told that God • created
the earth and Heavan. Indeed, man has created a place worse than Hell,
because at least only the sinners suffer there.


Message is in Reply To:
  Man in God's image
Greetings! Wow, I was following the debate on whether God has a name for God. It is certainly an intersting discussion! One thing I found unsettling is the notion of God creating man in His image. Although I consider it a noble belief, I think it is (...) (24 years ago, 31-Mar-01, to

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