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 Off-Topic / Debate / 9043
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Re: Chaotic Systems... (was: Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism)
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:50:29 GMT
1428 times
Scott A wrote:

For “sequential” read “consecutive”

I know that 1-6 is just as likely to be selected as any other ‘random’
combination. However, I can’t help thinking that any selection is more
likely to a non-sequential combination. Further, if a sequential combination
were to be selected - it would be slightly less likely to be that one than
almost any other.

Well, definitely such a sequence is much less likely than a more "random
looking" sequence. If you 6 numbers are the digits 1-9, there are only 4
such sequences compared to a total of 9!/3! sequences (if each digit can
only occur once, 9^6 otherwise). If each number is 1-100, there are 95
sequences compared to 100!/94! (or 100^6 if repeats are allowed) total

What would be interesting is an estimate of the number of total
sequences which would appear to observers as non random. There are
definitely non-ordered sequences I would percieve as non-random (for
example, a 6 number sequence where the numbers are allowed to repeat and
the set of allowed numbers is 0-9 would result in me perceiving
3-3-1-9-6-3 as non-random since my birthday is 3/3/1963).

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

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  Re: Chaotic Systems... (was: Re: Problems with Christianity and Darwinism)
For “sequential” read “consecutive” (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jan-01, to

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