Re: Problems with Christianity
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:08:59 GMT
1044 times
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In, Frank Filz writes:
> So Christians, rise to the challenge if you can, otherwise, agree that
> you can not support your conclusions by using the tools of debate and
> critical thinking. If we can not use critical thinking and debate to
> better understand Christianity, then this debate is totally worthless. I
> for one am not going to accept that your "morality" is right without
> being able to critically examine your assumptions.
Note the distinction Frank is making... he is asserting that the *debate* is
worthless. Not that christianity, in and of itself, is worthless, per se. If
something cannot be proven or disproven, in the end it comes down to a
preference that you personally have.
My preferences are based on things like the past history of christians and
on a preference for things that are logically supportable. That brings me
personally to a preference based conclusion that christianity is not for me.
(I had put "worthless" there but removed it).
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Problems with Christianity
| (...) As far as I'm concerned, my "conclusions" (our definitions on what exactly those conclusions are would undoubtedly differ) are supported by "debate and critical thinking". If you refuse to accept anything Biblical however, then yes, the debate (...) (24 years ago, 22-Dec-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Problems with Christianity
| David Eaton wrote: <...snip interesting set of propositions...> (...) This is closest to the general Unitarian Universalist Christian theology (I say "general" because UU theology doesn't require a single answer). However there are some possible (...) (24 years ago, 22-Dec-00, to
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