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 Off-Topic / Debate / 7119
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Re: From Harry Browne
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 07:50:25 GMT
620 times
In, John DiRienzo writes:
Thanks James

I don't want to add fuel to a debate over the right to choice either since I'm
certain no one's viewpoint will be swayed, but I would like some clarification.

Are you thanking James for expressing an opinion with which you agree?  If that
is the case, how do you reconcile your views with your advocacy of
Libertarianism (CMIIAW-- this is the impression I get from your posts in
another strand of this thread)?  Most of what I have heard about Libertarian
views I have picked up from scanning (rather than reading in-depth) posts here
so I could be wrong, but it would seem to me that they, of all people, would
want to keep the government from being able to interfere with a woman's
sovereignty over her own body, as Dave! puts it.  Please note that I am not
criticizing your views, just wondering how you come to terms with their
apparent inconsistencies.  Or did I misinterpret something?

Maggie C.

"James Simpson" <> wrote in message

I cringe at the thought of the lengths of a thread encompassing an • abortion-
debate.  I made my abortion comment because I do not want this forum to be • a
place where "minority" or dissenting viewpoints (such as mine) are not
tolerated.  For my part, I will be glad to debate this issue to the nth • degree,
although I doubt that it shall serve to change any minds on either side. • Thus
said, I will reply to you in brief:

While it is true that a woman may do as she pleases with her own body, it • does
not therefore follow that she may do as she see's fit with her baby's • body.  If
a conception is the result of an un-coerced freely-made consent to sexual
intercourse, then, yes, a woman's sovereign control of her body must • indeed be
limited by the right of the life within her to exist and grow to the • maturity of
personhood and sentience which are latent within that new life.  That's my • two-
dollar bill.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: From Harry Browne
I too don't want to debate the broad topic of abortion, my own views are unclear to myself at the moment (0). (...) Nope. You certainly did not misinterpret. One of the unofficial slogans of the LP is "we're pro-choice.. on everything!" If you'll (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to
  Re: From Harry Browne
Hi Maggie, This is debate, so that's what we'll do. "Maggie Cambron" <> wrote in message... (...) I'm (...) clarification. I disagree. I don't believe anyone's viewpoint will be swayed if we all keep our opinions to ourselves. I (...) (24 years ago, 11-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: From Harry Browne
Thanks James "James Simpson" <> wrote in message (...) v. Wade (...) this (...) Anyway, I'm (...) abortion- (...) a (...) degree, (...) Thus (...) does (...) body. If (...) indeed be (...) maturity of (...) (24 years ago, 9-Nov-00, to

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