Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 14:29:32 GMT
2035 times
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In, Asher Kobin writes:
> In lugnet.admin.general, Eric Joslin writes:
> > In lugnet.admin.general 5379, Asher Kobin writes:
> > >
> > > Are you ignorant? Do you understant competition? What would happen If every
> > > car was the same?
> >
> > Probably the same thing that would happen if MSIE had a 100% market share.
> But that's a good thing :)
Umm, huh? I thought you were implying that competition was good because it
inspired better growth. Is what you really mean to say "We should be allowed
to compete with other browsers, but once we're winning, the other guys should
just give in to us because we're better"?
> The great thing about IE is that it can be repurposed. Anyone can slap on
> their own UI (AOL, webTV, NeoPlanet) and decide what features to implement or
> not to implemnt. If you understand COM and how IE is comonentized, you can
> write your own browser using IE's rendering engine.
> We're making the engine a system service. Analogous to something as simple as
> an exit box or a button. All programs that run under windows can use this
> service to whatever means neccessary.
So, to further the analogy you yourself started... What would happen if all
cars were built with enginges made by one company? They'd probably be pretty
shoddy. Why should the company making the engines work hard for quality
control, etc? There's no competition. Buyers can't choose a car with a better
engine, because no one else makes engines.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
| My only point was that if every web browser did only and exactly what the RFC said, there would be no innovation. Even if MS had 100% of the market, we would still go above and beyond the spec. If they had 100% and they only lived by the spec, a new (...) (25 years ago, 21-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Why MSIE sucks for the HTML writer
| (...) But that's a good thing :) The great thing about IE is that it can be repurposed. Anyone can slap on their own UI (AOL, webTV, NeoPlanet) and decide what features to implement or not to implemnt. If you understand COM and how IE is (...) (25 years ago, 20-Mar-00, to
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