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Re: Mormon bashing again
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 18:34:08 GMT
610 times
In, Frank Filz wrote:

Ben Roller wrote:
Here in the South alcohol can't be purchased on Sundays in a lot
of places.  I can't think of any reason other than religious(2).
As far as I know there aren't any places that HAVE to close the
stores on Sunday but a some stores do close down, at least in the

One that always does get me a bit of a laugh is that Massachusetts
had the "blue laws" longer than the south. They didn't START to be
dismantled totally until the 70s (in the late to mid 70s they broke
down and allowed stores to open on Sunday from Thanksgiving to
Christmas, and then only after 1:00 PM or some such).

Here in Texas, we were finally able to buy hardware on Sundays starting
in the mid-1980s.  The only remnants of the blue laws that are left
that I can think of are (1) no purchase of alcohol (in wet
localities) on Sunday until noon and (2) car dealerships may only be
open on one weekend day, either Saturday or Sunday but not both.
CarMax tried to get around it, tried suing, and lost.

Susan Hoover
Houston, TX

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) One that always does get me a bit of a laugh is that Massachusetts had the "blue laws" longer than the south. They didn't START to be dismantled totally until the 70s (in the late to mid 70s they broke down and allowed stores to open on Sunday (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to

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