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Re: Is God gay? (was Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?)
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 07:19:16 GMT
1717 times
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:

or if God just let him complain as long as the job got done.  :-,

Well, I don't think the Bible said that every animal made it OFF of the ark
(alive anyway).  I bet every time that Noah got really mad he just up and
tossed a smelk, frabot or a unicorn off the side.

Oh he was crazy alright.  The guy was 600 Years Old, he built a giant boat just
because God said so,  he rounded up every animal in the world, TWICE!  Also, I
just re-read that he also gathered up every kind of food around to put in
there.  I bet it was really cramped in that little boat.

Ben Roller

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Is God gay? (was Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?)
(...) I bet it was really lonely in that little boat. :-) --Todd (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to

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  Re: Is God gay? (was Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?)
(...) feedin' (...) ROTFL! You sometimes have to wonder, if Noah was really a man of infinite patience, or if God just let him complain as long as the job got done. :-, Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to

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