Re: Is God gay? (was Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?)
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 05:27:43 GMT
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In, Ben Roller writes:
> In, Peter Callaway writes:
> > For the record, Ben, I live in Australia.
> > ...I'm assuming that you live in the US,
> Doh! You assumed right, I did not. I thought you lived in the USA too. Sorry
> about that! I'm sure that it happens all of the time because a lot of Americans
> tend to assume that everyone on the Internet is an American too (NOW I notice
> the .au in your e-mail address). I didn't know I was one of the people that
> did it too...
> That's all I can answer right now. RL calls.
> Ben Roller
No stress, although when I see some of the FOTW posts I wish I was in the US
so I could get my hands on some cheap LEGO. Whoops...On-Topic.
Pete Callaway
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